Revelation 12:11 And they overcame and conquered him because of the blood of the Lamb and because of the word of their testimony, for they did not love their life and renounce their faith even when faced with death.

Overcoming Fear
I had God lead me to contact a family member one time and speak to them the word of God and as I thought on what I believed God was leading me to do I begin to become fearful, and it got more and more intense to the point that it felt like needles sticking in my skin and by this time I was convinced the Spirit of God was leading me and I knew that I was about to overcome some more, but the fear was so strong that it made me not want to do it, but I knew I would miss an opportunity to overcome if I didn't obey, it was an evil spirit resisting me, it was a struggle, so I made myself pick up the phone, call this family member, I spoke what God was leading me to say this person, they got mad and cursed me out and hung up the phone, but I was so happy because I knew I obeyed God and I overcame some more, I talked to this family member about a week later and they apologized to me and said they were sorry what they said to me, they said they were having a bad day, I said it's ok, they didn't understand what was going on, but I did, God was leading me to overcome an evil spirit and I did. We don't know exactly what has got us bound and we don't know how to get out, but the Spirit of God knows exactly how to lead us in one battle after another to overcome evil spirits!